Child Development Program
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Child Development Program
A holistic approach to diagnosis and support of psycho-emotional, neuro-motor and language-speech development
Different, but still worthed.

Every child is unique in nature, and we as adults can help them develop their potential by accepting their essence as it IS.
I have created my own method in which I combine various techniques and principles to help develop your child’s full potential and help improve the family atmosphere through practical guidelines for effective communication. The approach combines the best of the Individual psychology, neuroscience and speech therapy in one holistic programme.
This program is recommended in the following situations where your child shows:

Daily difficulties:
Difficulties with falling asleep, feeding, eating.
Allergies, skin irritations and frequent illnesses.
Frequent nightmares and/or bed wetting.
Fails to participate in kindergarten activities, although you see no reason for this.
Speech difficulties or speech delay.

Behavioral and emotional challenges:
Shows aggressive behavior at first glance – often hits, bites, pushes, kicks.
Often falls and bumps, moves clumsily or lacks proper muscle tone.
Seems hyperactive.
Eating and sleeping issues.
Anxiety, worry or excessive temper and frequent tantrums.

Development Concern:
- You have doubts about the presence of a developmental disorder.
- You already know that there is a developmental disorder (autism spectrum, hyperactivity, genetic abnormality, etc.)
- The child has learning difficulties.
- They miss important stages of their development (prone/supine, turning over, crawling, sitting).
- There is a delay in walking and/or talking.
What you get from the consultation with me:

The first step is a consultation with the parents and the child together – assessment of the child in neurological, psycho-social and language-speech aspects and the dynamics in the family.
Second step – creating of an individual program with a focus on the specific challenges and needs of the child.
Third step – implementation and practice of the new protocols and rules by both parents as a couple and in a team with the child over two months accompanied by support- twice a month by phone or video