All posts by: Гергана Маркова

What is early childhood development?

by 24.05.2023

Early childhood development (ECD) and education is a new, practically oriented neuroscience that has emerged from the exciting discoveries in neuro-psychology and molecular biology of the past 30 years. It explores the rapid development of the nervous system from before birth to the third year of every individual, uncovering complex processes and stages such as […]

The child’s independent play – myth or reality

by 12.12.2022

The child can play alone, this is their nature, a way of existing, expressing themself, and developing.  Independent play begins in the first months after birth with the examination of the fingers of the hands, with cooing. However, parents often feel obliged to constantly engage the babe in organized games, which can actually lead to […]

Neuro-motor immaturities and their impact on the child’s educational skills

by 12.12.2022

Why do some children develop and learn without apparent problems, while others are slow and do not cope with learning as well as their peers? The problem, if there is no other definite cause, is in the functioning of the nervous system. Sensory-motor works with children immediately after birth and stimulates the creation of neural […]
